poppr.all is a wrapper function that will loop through a list of files from the working directory, execute [poppr()], and concatenate the output into one data frame.
- filelist
a list of files in the current working directory
- ...
arguments passed on to poppr
# \dontrun{
# Obtain a list of fstat files from a directory.
x <- getfile(multi=TRUE, pattern="^.+?dat$")
# run the analysis on each file.
poppr.all(file.path(x$path, x$files))
#> \
#> | File: .
#> /
#> File format ( / ) not supported.
#> Supported formats are:
#> GENETIX (.gtx)
#> FSTAT (.dat)
#> Genepop (.gen)
#> STRUCTURE (.str)
#> Error in process_file(dat, missing = missing, cutoff = cutoff, clonecorrect = clonecorrect, strata = strata, keep = keep, quiet = TRUE): is.genind(input) is not TRUE
# }