Analysis of Multilocus Genotypes and Lineages in poppr `r packageVersion('poppr')`
Zhian N. Kamvar and Niklaus J. Grünwald
A multilocus genotype is a unique combination of alleles across two or more loci. For organisms such as plant pathogens that often reproduce clonally, multilocus genotypes are invaluable for identifying the mode and spread of an organism. This document will describe in detail how you can define multilocus genotypes/lineages and how you can use them for your analyses of both genclone and snpclone objects.

Multilocus Genotype Flavors
There are three different ways for constructing multilocus genotypes in poppr.
Method | Description |
"original" |
Default MLG definition; strict matching |
"contracted" |
Collapsing MLGs by genetic distance with
"custom" |
User-defined multilocus genotypes |
The first is a simply naïve construction where all alleles must match
to make a unique multilocus genotype. New in version 2.0 is the ability
to use genetic distance to collapse multilocus genotypes or define
custom multilocus lineages based on other information. You can use the
function mll()
to display and switch between different
multilocus genotypes/lineages.
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 264 multilocus genotypes
## 694 haploid individuals
## 13 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 1 stratum - Pop
## 12 populations defined -
## 7_09_BB, 26_09_BB, 26_09_FR, ..., 45_10_FR, 26_11_BB, 26_11_FR
## Warning:
## The @mlg slot does not contain an MLG class object.
## Returning the original mlgs. Please use:
## mll(monpop) <- "original"
## to convert your object.
## [1] 260 179 169 168 167 221 152 133 144 78 78 79 81 44 41 40 40 38 119
## [20] 118
Notice how we got a warning. This is because the monpop
data set was created before mll()
was implemented. Luckily,
this warning gives us information on how to fix it.
mll(monpop) <- "original"
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 264 original multilocus genotypes
## 694 haploid individuals
## 13 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 1 stratum - Pop
## 12 populations defined -
## 7_09_BB, 26_09_BB, 26_09_FR, ..., 45_10_FR, 26_11_BB, 26_11_FR
We can see that the description says 264 original multilocus genotypes . This is how we know what the current MLG definition is for our object. Let’ see what happens when we change it.
mll(monpop) <- "custom"
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 264 custom multilocus genotypes
## 694 haploid individuals
## 13 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 1 stratum - Pop
## 12 populations defined -
## 7_09_BB, 26_09_BB, 26_09_FR, ..., 45_10_FR, 26_11_BB, 26_11_FR
Now it says 264 custom multilocus genotypes . Of course, if we look at the MLGs, we will see that they appear to be the same as our original definition:
## [1] 260 179 169 168 167 221 152 133 144 78 78 79 81 44 41 40 40 38 119
## [20] 118
## 264 Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ... 264
All of these functions will work for both genclone and snpclone objects. In this section, we will demonstrate how to construct each of these three multilocus genotype definitions in different data sets.
Naïve (“original”)
This is the default way poppr calculates multilocus
genotypes. You see it immediately when you load a genclone object. Let’s
use the example monpop
from (Everhart and Scherm 2015). First, we need to
reset the data to our original MLGs.
mll(monpop) <- "original"
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 264 original multilocus genotypes
## 694 haploid individuals
## 13 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 1 stratum - Pop
## 12 populations defined -
## 7_09_BB, 26_09_BB, 26_09_FR, ..., 45_10_FR, 26_11_BB, 26_11_FR
You notice that there are 694 samples, yet only 264 multilocus genotypes in the data set over 13 loci. In this sub-section, I will demonstrate how these MLGs are constructed.
The naïve definition simply takes strings of alleles and compares them for equality. This method is quick and easily interpretable, but means that things like genotyping error, hyper-variable loci, and missing data all contribute to a unique genotype that might not be truly unique (Kamvar, Brooks, and Grünwald 2015).
To give an example, let’s imagine that we have five samples with alleles typed at two loci.
grid_example <- matrix(c(1, 4,
1, 1,
5, 1,
9, 1,
9, 4),
ncol = 2,
byrow = TRUE)
rownames(grid_example) <- LETTERS[1:5]
colnames(grid_example) <- c("x", "y")
## x y
## A 1 4
## B 1 1
## C 5 1
## D 9 1
## E 9 4
We notice how they all have different multilocus genotypes. Indeed, if we analyze them, we see that there are five multilocus genotypes.
x <- as.genclone(df2genind(grid_example, ploidy = 1))
tab(x) # Look at the multilocus genotype table
## x.1 x.5 x.9 y.4 y.1
## A 1 0 0 1 0
## B 1 0 0 0 1
## C 0 1 0 0 1
## D 0 0 1 0 1
## E 0 0 1 1 0
nmll(x) # count the number of multilocus genotypes
## [1] 5
mll(x) # show the multilocus genotype definitions
## [1] 5 4 3 1 2
What we did above was to analyze the tab slot of the
object showing the counts of alleles per sample across the two loci. We
can clearly see by eye that no two samples are alike. The
function counts the number of
multilocus lineages
in the sample. the mll()
function displays the assignment
of the multilocus lineages in the sample.
Note: we used
to show us our multilocus lineages. Later on, we will use this same function to switch between different definitions. See ?mll for details.
Now let’s say we included another sample with partial missing data. Let’s say it was typed as allele “5” at the x locus, but missing the allele at the y locus.
x <- as.genclone(df2genind(rbind(grid_example, new = c(5, NA)), ploidy = 1))
tab(x) # Note the missing data at locus 2.
## x.1 x.5 x.9 y.4 y.1
## A 1 0 0 1 0
## B 1 0 0 0 1
## C 0 1 0 0 1
## D 0 0 1 0 1
## E 0 0 1 1 0
## new 0 1 0 NA NA
## [1] 6
## [1] 6 5 3 1 2 4
Now we see that we have 6 multilocus genotypes even though one of them contains missing data.
Let’s also imagine that we included yet another sample that had a low-frequency allele at locus y, “2”, but had the allele “5” at locus x.
grid_new <- rbind(grid_example,
new = c(5, NA),
mut = c(5, 2)
x <- as.genclone(df2genind(grid_new, ploidy = 1))
## x.1 x.5 x.9 y.4 y.1 y.2
## A 1 0 0 1 0 0
## B 1 0 0 0 1 0
## C 0 1 0 0 1 0
## D 0 0 1 0 1 0
## E 0 0 1 1 0 0
## new 0 1 0 NA NA NA
## mut 0 1 0 0 0 1
## [1] 7
## [1] 7 6 4 1 2 5 3
Again, we get completely different genotypes, but notice how the genotypes we added are closer to the genotype that shares the 5 allele. The reason this happens is because the naïve algorithm reports the rank of the concatenated alleles like so:
## A B C D E new
## "100100" "100010" "010010" "001010" "001100" "010NANANA"
## mut
## "010001"
rank(xt, ties.method = "first")
## A B C D E new mut
## 7 6 4 1 2 5 3
Even though we have reason to believe that the samples “new” and “mut” might actually have the genotype x.5 and y.1 (the MLG of sample C), the algorithm sees them as different. If we calculate the pairwise euclidean distances between samples, we see that “new”, “mut” and, “C” are very similar to each other:
## A B C D E new
## B 3.000000
## C 5.000000 4.000000
## D 8.544004 8.000000 4.000000
## E 8.000000 8.544004 5.000000 3.000000
## new 5.656854 5.656854 0.000000 5.656854 5.656854
## mut 4.472136 4.123106 1.000000 4.123106 4.472136 0.000000
Therefore, we might want to consider “new”, “mut” and, “C” to be the same Multilocus Lineage (MLL). In the next section, you will see how to collapse multilocus genotypes by genetic distance.
Filtered (“contracted”)
To remedy the issues with a naïve definition of multilocus genotypes,
we can utilize genetic distance, which will allow us to collapse
multilocus genotypes that are under a specific distance threshold. The
main function we will use in this section is mlg.filter()
It will create a dissimiliarity distance matrix from the data and then
filter based off of that matrix. You can also utilize your own supplied
distance matrix or distance function.
Main usage
To use mlg.filter()
, you need to define a thresold. This
threshold defines the minimum distance to consider two genotypes unique,
so anything below that will be clustered into the same MLG. In practice,
it’s used like this (using the data and the euclidean distance described
x # We have 7 MLGs before filtering
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 7 original multilocus genotypes
## 7 haploid individuals
## 2 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 0 strata.
## 0 populations defined.
mlg.filter(x, distance = xdis) <- 1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5
x # Now we have 5 MLGs
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 5 contracted multilocus genotypes
## (1) [t], (xdis) [d], (farthest) [a]
## 7 haploid individuals
## 2 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 0 strata.
## 0 populations defined.
mll(x) <- "original" # We'll reset to the naive definition
Here, we told mlg.filter()
to set the threshold to 1
plus a very tiny number (this will be explained in the next section)
based off of the distance matrix xdis. This is a way to
manipulate the object in place. In this section, there will be examples
of retrieving the MLGs and other statistics from the function as well as
how to use different distance functions and reset the MLGs.
As we saw above, in order to collapse all three new samples into the
original 5 MLGs, we had to set a threshold of just above 1. To
show you why, we will use the function to return to us the MLGs it
created and the thresholds that were passed to cluster MLLs (by using
the stats
mll(x, "original")
## [1] 7 6 4 1 2 5 3
mlg.filter(x, distance = xdis, threshold = 1, stats = c("mlg", "thresholds"))
## $MLGS
## [1] 7 6 4 1 2 3 3
## [1] 0
In our output, we can see that MLG 5 has collapsed into MLG 3. This occured as soon as our threshold passed 0. Take a look at what happens when we add a very small number to 1.
(e <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5) # A very tiny number
## [1] 1.490116e-08
mlg.filter(x, distance = xdis, threshold = 1 + e, stats = c("mlg", "thresholds"))
## $MLGS
## [1] 7 6 4 1 2 4 4
## [1] 0 1
Now that we have set the threshold to just above 1, we have 5 unique MLLs since MLG 3 collapsed into MLG 4. Because of the way clustering happens, it’s important to point out what happens when you attempt to use a threshold of 0.
mlg.filter(x, distance = xdis, threshold = 0, stats = c("mlg", "thresholds"))
## $MLGS
## [1] 7 6 4 1 2 5 3
## numeric(0)
mll(x, "original")
## [1] 7 6 4 1 2 5 3
Notice that all the MLGs are the same as the originally defined MLGs. Using a threshold of zero allows two MLGs separated by zero genetic distance to remain mutually unique.
Setting the genotypes
As demonstrated at the beginning of this section, if we wanted to
reassign our sample genotypes to the collapsed version, all we would
have to do is use the mlg.filter()
commands above, but use
the <-
operator to specify the threshold. Note that I
will be using mlg.table()
to show the distribution of the
multilocus genotypes before and after filtering.
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 7 original multilocus genotypes
## 7 haploid individuals
## 2 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 0 strata.
## 0 populations defined.
mlg.table(x) # Before: 7 MLGs
## MLG.1 MLG.2 MLG.3 MLG.4 MLG.5 MLG.6 MLG.7
## Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
mlg.filter(x, distance = xdis) <- 1 + e
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 5 contracted multilocus genotypes
## (1) [t], (xdis) [d], (farthest) [a]
## 7 haploid individuals
## 2 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 0 strata.
## 0 populations defined.
mlg.table(x) # After: 5 MLGs
## MLG.1 MLG.2 MLG.4 MLG.6 MLG.7
## Total 1 1 3 1 1
Notice how the information you see has changed. You can see that it’s printed out that you have 5 contracted multilocus genotypes, but you have some cryptic code underneath:
symbol | meaning |
[t] | threshold |
[d] | distance (can be matrix or function) |
[a] | algorithm (see the next section) |
Genclone and snpclone objects will always remember what parameters were used for filtering multilocus genotypes, but the only catch is that, if you use your own supplied distance (matrix or function), you must be very careful not to delete it or change the object name.
This means that you don’t always have to specify the distance when assigning a threshold:
mlg.filter(x) <- 4.51
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 3 contracted multilocus genotypes
## (4.51) [t], (xdis) [d], (farthest) [a]
## 7 haploid individuals
## 2 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 0 strata.
## 0 populations defined.
## MLG.1 MLG.4 MLG.6
## Total 2 3 2
DANGER! DANGER! While this is a convenient function, if you use a matrix or function that was created by you, you must not delete it or change its name. Only the name of the matrix/function is stored, so if you delete the matrix/function used to inform your filtering, you will get an error:
rm(xdis) # NOOOOOO!
try(mlg.filter(x) <- 1 + e)
## Error : cannot evaluate distance function, it might be missing.
## Error: cannot evaluate distance function, it might be missing.
Basically, your object thinks that there should be a matrix called
xdis, but it can’t find it anywhere. But don’t worry,
we can restore it if we have the function available. We will use the
function that we defined earlier.
mlg.filter(x, distance = raw_dist) <- 1 + e
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 5 contracted multilocus genotypes
## (1) [t], (raw_dist) [d], (farthest) [a]
## 7 haploid individuals
## 2 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 0 strata.
## 0 populations defined.
The safest way, perhaps, is to use a function defined in poppr. For example, we’ll use Bruvo’s distance since it takes into account the real value of the alleles (Bruvo et al. 2004).
The arguments to your distance function will be stored in the object as well!
bruvo.dist(x, replen = c(1, 1))
## A B C D E new
## B 0.4375000
## C 0.9062500 0.4687500
## D 0.9355469 0.4980469 0.4687500
## E 0.4980469 0.9355469 0.9062500 0.4375000
## new 0.9375000 0.9375000 0.0000000 0.9375000 0.9375000
## mut 0.8437500 0.7187500 0.2500000 0.7187500 0.8437500 0.0000000
mlg.filter(x, distance = bruvo.dist, replen = c(1, 1)) <- 0.44
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 3 contracted multilocus genotypes
## (0.44) [t], (bruvo.dist) [d], (farthest) [a]
## 7 haploid individuals
## 2 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 0 strata.
## 0 populations defined.
Of course, our multilocus genotypes are not changed forever, they are
just stored in a different place. We can access the original, naïve
multilocus genotypes by using the mll()
mll(x, "original")
## [1] 7 6 4 1 2 5 3
mll(x) # contracted
## [1] 6 6 4 1 1 4 4
## [1] 7 6 4 1 2 5 3
Tie breakers (algorithms)
Underlying mlg.filter
are three algorithms that decide
what genotypes go together (Kamvar, Brooks, and
Grünwald 2015):
- nearest neighbor
- farthest neighbor (default)
- average neighbor (UPGMA)
You can specify which algorithm you want to use in clustering with
the algorithm
argument. Each of these algorithms have
different behaviors when it comes to collapsing multilocus genotypes. In
short, farthest neighbor is the most conservative, nearest neighbor can
have a chaining effect, and average neighbor is somewhere in between.
Your choice of algorithm really depends on the biology of your
To help visualize this, there is the function
, which will plot the output of the filtering
algorithm. For simplicity, we will use the Pinf
data set
representing Phytophthora infestans samples from Mexico and
South America (Goss et al. 2009).
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 72 multilocus genotypes
## 86 tetraploid individuals
## 11 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 2 strata - Continent, Country
## 2 populations defined - South America, North America
pinfreps <- fix_replen(Pinf, c(2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2))
pinf_filtered <- filter_stats(Pinf, distance = bruvo.dist, replen = pinfreps, plot = TRUE)
We can see that the different algorithms behave similarly for small thresholds, but begin to differ over larger thresholds.
This function is useful for finding all thresholds at which MLLs are collapsed, which can help with choosing a threshold that collapses putative clones in our sample into lineages.
Choosing a threshold
After you have chosen a genetic distance and a filtering algorithm, you must then decide on the threshold to represent the minimum genetic distance at which two individuals would be considered from different clonal lineages.
One method described in the literature of choosing a threshold is to look for an initial, small peak in the histogram of pairwise genetic distances and set the threshold to be between that peak and the larger peak `Bailleul, Stoeckel, and Arnaud-Haond (2016). This initial peak likely represents clones differentiated by a small set of random mutations. You can see this in the figure above at a threshold of ~0.11 for the “farthest neighbor” algorithm.
However, if this peak is not obvious, then another method is to look
for the largest gap between all putative thresholds. For this, you can
use the cutoff_predictor()
function with the output of
. It should be noted that this method is not
a perfect solution. If we take the results from above, we can find the
threshold for each algorithm:
print(farthest_thresh <- cutoff_predictor(pinf_filtered$farthest$THRESHOLDS))
## [1] 0.1132221
print(average_thresh <- cutoff_predictor(pinf_filtered$average$THRESHOLDS))
## [1] 0.1084407
print(nearest_thresh <- cutoff_predictor(pinf_filtered$nearest$THRESHOLDS))
## [1] 0.1092773
Now we can define multilocus lineages for P. infestans with the following criteria:
[t] | threshold | 0.113 |
[d] | distance | Bruvo’s Distance |
[a] | algorithm | Farthest neighbor |
mlg.filter(Pinf, distance = bruvo.dist, replen = pinfreps, algorithm = "f") <- farthest_thresh
## This is a genclone object
## -------------------------
## Genotype information:
## 48 contracted multilocus genotypes
## (0.113) [t], (bruvo.dist) [d], (farthest) [a]
## 86 tetraploid individuals
## 11 codominant loci
## Population information:
## 2 strata - Continent, Country
## 2 populations defined - South America, North America
Note: Please take care to critically evaluate the results and make sure it applies to your data. This function WILL give you an answer whether or not one truely exists. Additionally, For diploid organisms, another method of choosing a threshold is available in the RClone package that involves simulating outcrossing and inbreeding events (Bailleul, Stoeckel, and Arnaud-Haond 2016).
Custom (“custom”)
Sometimes multilocus genotypes are defined by more than just genetic data and it would be useful to be able to analyze these genotype definitions. Luckily, there is a way to do this. Poppr has support for custom multilocus genotypes. For example, we have a simulated data set that has 50 samples with 26 multilocus genotypes.
pc <- as.genclone(partial_clone)
## [1] 8 9 23 24 22 21 10 3 22 11 24 9 25 4 12 2 14 1 9 9 9 26 7 13 23
## [26] 3 17 22 6 20 22 12 5 25 13 21 15 13 13 13 2 19 18 13 23 16 1 11 25 4
Let’s change the MLGs to letters instead of numbers. We will use
to do this.
LETTERS[mll(pc)] # The new MLGs
## [1] "H" "I" "W" "X" "V" "U" "J" "C" "V" "K" "X" "I" "Y" "D" "L" "B" "N" "A" "I"
## [20] "I" "I" "Z" "G" "M" "W" "C" "Q" "V" "F" "T" "V" "L" "E" "Y" "M" "U" "O" "M"
## [39] "M" "M" "B" "S" "R" "M" "W" "P" "A" "K" "Y" "D"
mll.custom(pc) <- LETTERS[mll(pc)]
## A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
## 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0
## 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
## 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
## 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
This even works with minimum spanning networks:
pcpal <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "gold"))
pcmsn <- bruvo.msn(pc, replen = rep(1, nLoc(pc)), palette = pcpal,
vertex.label.color = "firebrick", vertex.label.font = 2,
vertex.label.cex = 1.5)
Let’s say that we realized that we have strong evidence for MLG “Q” being the same as MLG “M”. If we wanted to change those, we could simply change the factor levels:
mll.levels(pc)[mll.levels(pc) == "Q"] <- "M"
And we can plot again
pcmsn <- bruvo.msn(pc, replen = rep(1, nLoc(pc)), palette = pcpal,
vertex.label.color = "firebrick", vertex.label.font = 2,
vertex.label.cex = 1.5)
Notice how the minimum spanning network architecture stayed the same, but the labels had changed.
Diversity Analysis
In the Data Import and Manipulation vignette, the
first command demonstrated was the poppr()
, command, which
produced a table of diversity statistics, most of which were calculated
on counts of multilocus genotypes. These statistics can be replicated by
using the function diversity_stats()
. This function
calculates diversity statistics based off of a table of multilocus
genotypes. Let’s analyze the diversity of the peach brown rot pathogen,
Monilinia fructicola, structured by Symptom (Fruit Rot:FR and
Blossom Blight:BB) and Year (Everhart and Scherm
2015). Let’s first look at the distribution of multilocus
splitStrata(monpop) <- ~Tree/Year/Symptom
montab <- mlg.table(monpop, strata = ~Symptom/Year)
We can see from these plots that the Fruit Rot (FR) have a lot more clones in the canopies than Blossom Blight (BB). This makes biological sense since Fruit Rot infections are clonally propagated, whereas Blossom Blight infections are from sexual propagules (Everhart and Scherm 2015). Let’s look at the diversity metrics.
Basic Statistics
The function diversity_stats()
is used to get basic
diversity statistics:
(monstat <- diversity_stats(montab))
## Index
## Pop H G lambda E.5
## BB_9 3.580258 25.92405 0.9614258 0.7145086
## FR_9 3.103899 12.43711 0.9195955 0.5373402
## BB_10 2.944439 19.00000 0.9473684 1.0000000
## FR_10 4.066838 38.10132 0.9737542 0.6466786
## BB_11 3.401197 30.00000 0.9666667 1.0000000
## FR_11 3.094688 10.48941 0.9046657 0.4501543
Confidence Intervals
We can get confidence intervals for these statistics using
diversity_ci(montab, n = 100L, raw = FALSE)
## Confidence Intervals have been centered around observed statistic.
## Please see ?diversity_ci for details.
## H H.est H.ci G G.est G.ci lambda lambda.est
## BB_9 3.58 3.19 (3.341, 3.819) 25.9 19.26 (19.298, 32.55) 0.961 0.946
## FR_9 3.10 2.97 (2.912, 3.296) 12.4 11.98 (9.918, 14.956) 0.920 0.916
## BB_10 2.94 2.37 (2.664, 3.225) 19.0 9.81 (15.986, 22.014) 0.947 0.895
## FR_10 4.07 3.87 (3.926, 4.207) 38.1 33.63 (31.199, 45.004) 0.974 0.970
## BB_11 3.40 2.83 (3.173, 3.629) 30.0 15.28 (26.066, 33.934) 0.967 0.933
## FR_11 3.09 2.85 (2.802, 3.387) 10.5 9.81 (6.73, 14.249) 0.905 0.894
## lambda.ci E.5 E.5.est E.5.ci
## BB_9 (0.942, 0.981) 0.715 0.776 (0.599, 0.83)
## FR_9 (0.902, 0.937) 0.537 0.593 (0.488, 0.587)
## BB_10 (0.913, 0.981) 1.000 0.894 (0.921, 1.079)
## FR_10 (0.968, 0.98) 0.647 0.691 (0.579, 0.714)
## BB_11 (0.948, 0.986) 1.000 0.889 (0.936, 1.064)
## FR_11 (0.861, 0.949) 0.450 0.533 (0.35, 0.55)
You can see that there was a warning about centering the confidence
interval. The boxplots you see are the distribution of the bootstrapped
replicates, but they are known to be biased. We invite users to please
read the documentation for diversity_ci()
by typing
. It is very important to be careful when
interpreting these results because sometimes confidence the confidence
intervals exist outside of the possible range, as exemplified by BB_10
and BB_11.
Custom Statistics
In all of the diversity_*
functions, you can use your
own custom diversity statistics. A common one we get requests for is the
clonal fraction, \(\frac{MLG}{N}\) or
the number of multilocus genotypes over the number of samples. You can
add it in by writing your own function. Keep in mind, that you should
write it for both a matrix and a vector of counts if you want to be able
to bootstrap it.
myCF <- function(x){
x <- drop(as.matrix(x))
if (length(dim(x)) > 1){ # if it's a matrix
res <- rowSums(x > 0)/rowSums(x)
} else { # if it's a vector
res <- sum(x > 0)/sum(x)
(monstat2 <- diversity_stats(montab, CF = myCF))
## Index
## Pop H G lambda E.5 CF
## BB_9 3.580258 25.92405 0.9614258 0.7145086 0.7031250
## FR_9 3.103899 12.43711 0.9195955 0.5373402 0.2585366
## BB_10 2.944439 19.00000 0.9473684 1.0000000 1.0000000
## FR_10 4.066838 38.10132 0.9737542 0.6466786 0.3405018
## BB_11 3.401197 30.00000 0.9666667 1.0000000 1.0000000
## FR_11 3.094688 10.48941 0.9046657 0.4501543 0.4536082
You can use filtered or custom MLGs to compare diversity. Here, I’m
filtering genotypes in monpop
that are different by only a
single mutational step (Bruvo et al.
One mutational step for a single allele in Bruvo’s distance is equivalent to 0.5, so a single mutational step for a haploid organism with 13 loci is 0.5/13.
# Repeat lengths are necessary
reps <- fix_replen(monpop,
c(CHMFc4 = 7, CHMFc5 = 2, CHMFc12 = 4,
SEA = 4, SED = 4, SEE = 2, SEG = 6,
SEI = 3, SEL = 4, SEN = 2,
SEP = 4, SEQ = 2, SER = 4))
# Adding a little bit, so the threshold is included.
e <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
# Using the default farthest neighbor algorithm to collapse genotypes
mlg.filter(monpop, distance = bruvo.dist, replen = reps) <- (0.5/13) + e
montabf <- mlg.table(monpop, strata = ~Symptom/Year)
(monstatf <- diversity_stats(montabf, CF = myCF))
## Index
## Pop H G lambda E.5 CF
## BB_9 3.442117 23.81395 0.9580078 0.7541044 0.6093750
## FR_9 3.003859 11.99001 0.9165973 0.5734961 0.2195122
## BB_10 2.944439 19.00000 0.9473684 1.0000000 1.0000000
## FR_10 3.861202 33.10974 0.9697974 0.6901987 0.2724014
## BB_11 3.401197 30.00000 0.9666667 1.0000000 1.0000000
## FR_11 2.754565 8.00766 0.8751196 0.4762511 0.3195876
monstat2 - monstatf # Take the difference from the unfiltered
## Index
## Pop H G lambda E.5 CF
## BB_9 0.1381408 2.1100971 0.003417969 -0.03959575 0.09375000
## FR_9 0.1000406 0.4470973 0.002998215 -0.03615591 0.03902439
## BB_10 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## FR_10 0.2056360 4.9915810 0.003956784 -0.04352013 0.06810036
## BB_11 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## FR_11 0.3401226 2.4817496 0.029546179 -0.02609686 0.13402062
We can see that filtered MLLs tend to be less diverse. This makes intuitive sense as it is creating larger classes of multilocus genotypes.
mll(monpop) <- "original"
Jack-knife rarefaction
The function diversity_ci()
have the option to perform jack knife
rarefaction calculations. This means that your data will be randomly
sub-sampled to either the smallest population size, or whatever is
specified in the parameter n.rare
, whichever is bigger.
Here’s an example with the previous data set:
(monrare <- diversity_ci(montab, n = 100L, rarefy = TRUE, raw = FALSE))
## Samples for rarefaction: 19
## H H.est H.ci G G.est G.ci lambda lambda.est
## BB_9 3.58 2.71 (2.492, 2.944) 25.9 13.93 (9.494, 19) 0.961 0.926
## FR_9 3.10 2.31 (1.922, 2.625) 12.4 8.75 (5.306, 12.448) 0.920 0.880
## BB_10 2.94 2.94 <NA> 19.0 19.00 <NA> 0.947 0.947
## FR_10 4.07 2.70 (2.362, 2.871) 38.1 13.98 (8.804, 17.19) 0.974 0.926
## BB_11 3.40 2.94 <NA> 30.0 19.00 <NA> 0.967 0.947
## FR_11 3.09 2.32 (1.831, 2.64) 10.5 8.42 (4.4, 12.448) 0.905 0.871
## lambda.ci E.5 E.5.est E.5.ci
## BB_9 (0.895, 0.947) 0.715 0.907 (0.797, 1)
## FR_9 (0.811, 0.92) 0.537 0.831 (0.7, 0.912)
## BB_10 <NA> 1.000 1.000 <NA>
## FR_10 (0.886, 0.942) 0.647 0.919 (0.775, 0.972)
## BB_11 <NA> 1.000 1.000 <NA>
## FR_11 (0.773, 0.92) 0.450 0.772 (0.627, 0.9)
This can give you comparable estimates of diversity when not all samples are of equal size.
Clone Correction
Clone-correction works hierarchically and only uses the first MLG
copy encountered in the data per population. This is straightforward for
naïve MLGs, but for MLLs collapsed by genetic distance or custom MLLs,
this might change the results very slightly. As an example, let’s look
at the monpop
filtered MLLs that we created earlier.
nmll(monpop, "original")
## [1] 264
nmll(monpop, "contracted")
## [1] 214
mll(monpop) <- "contracted"
To show how the order of the samples can affect the sampling, we will take the sum of all pairwise distances between clone-corrected samples (corrected without respect to populations):
monpop %>%
clonecorrect(strata = NA) %>% # 1. clone correct whole data set
dist() %>% # 2. calculate distance
sum() # 3. take the sum of the distance
## [1] 90268.73
Now, what happens when we randomly sample individuals?
monpop[sample(nInd(monpop))] %>% # 1. shuffle samples
clonecorrect(strata = NA) %>% # 2. clone correct whole data set
dist() %>% # 3. calculate distance
sum() # 4. take the sum of the distance
## [1] 90257.92
monpop[sample(nInd(monpop))] %>% # 1. shuffle samples
clonecorrect(strata = NA) %>% # 2. clone correct whole data set
dist() %>% # 3. calculate distance
sum() # 4. take the sum of the distance
## [1] 90311.96
Notice how we are getting different results based on the order of samples. This does not mean that the procedure doesn’t work, it just means that we must be careful when clone-correcting modified multilocus genotypes.
We have demonstrated here new methods for treating multilocus
genotypes on microsatellite data, but it is important to remember that
all of these functions can work with any source of data stored in either
a genclone or snpclone (derived from
genlight) object. Especially with
, these new functions will allow for a more
flexible analysis of WGS data of clonal organisms where true clones may
differ by more than a few mutations/errors/missing data. As with all
analyses, it is important to understand the algorithms used and take
them into account when interpreting results.